Saturday, February 15, 2020

Coal chemical looping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coal chemical looping - Research Paper Example As it has been reported that the global demand for energy is likely to be fulfilled by the exploitation and utilization of fossil fuels in decades to come, the need for developing effective systems for the capture and storage of CO2 has become indispensible (Yue 2010). While, the significance of this observation is undeniable the present systems and frameworks which are utilized extensively in the industry are inadequate and do not support the advancement of certain aims and objectives that are associated with the development of suitable technologies. As noted by Yue (2010), present solutions for solving the issue are marked by the absence of cost-efficiency, capture efficiency and conversion efficiency which is an alarming scenario for both researchers and analysts alike. This observation proposes that the technology of chemical looping combustion (CLC) and its related processes have emerged as an innovation which presents numerous prospects and opportunities for the development of energy and power-related technologies by minimizing the risks, limitations and drawbacks that are associated with the solutions that are currently and presently available within the industry. Numerous studies and researches have established that the CLC technology boosts of impressive efficiency rates for the purpose of producing electricity and hydrogen in scenarios where the system of gasification is associated and integrated within the chemical looping technology (Yue 2010). Since the inception of the innovation, empirical studies have also been able to establish the types of suitable components that should be installed within an effective CLC system to maximize desired outcomes. This aspect involves the selection of solid fuels that can be used in chemical looping in addition with the oxygen carriers which have the potential to enhance the oxidation process. Even though, these observations have revealed the possibility of utilizing an extensive range of carbonaceous fuels and ca rriers, the scope of this paper focuses on the process of coal chemical looping such as the coal-direct looping process and the process of syngas chemical looping. Furthermore, the paper also explores the practical applications of chemical looping combustion in organizations such as General Electric and Alstom. In conclusion the research examines the advantages, challenges and limitations that are associated with the process of coal chemical looping in the light of recent researches and studies. The application of chemical looping combustion (CLC) processes is a revolutionary advancement and innovation in the industry, as stated by Yue (2010): Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a new alternative to conventional combustion that prevents the CO2 from being mixed in the combustion gases. This is accomplished by preventing the air-N2 to be present in the part of the reactor system where the oxidation of the fuel takes place. (p. 527) The introduction and subsequent incorporation of ch emical looping techniques and strategies was impelled by the absence of frameworks that could be applied for the separation and conversion of chemicals during the occurrence of various product-related procedures (Fan 2011). While, this observation is reflective of the traditional demands and needs which initially required the launch of chemical looping techniques, contemporary applications of chemical looping essentially aim to fulfill the need of establishing a modern, optimized and effective

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hayek's Idea of Information Use and Its Use in 21st Century Essay

Hayek's Idea of Information Use and Its Use in 21st Century - Essay Example The essay "Hayek's Idea of Information Use and Its Use in 21st Century" talks about the Friedrich Hayek's views on information usage in the marketing area expressed in his article "The Use of Knowledge in Society". According to Hayek, the more decentralized the economy is, the more variable the information is (spread throughout the society). In his own words, â€Å"The marvel is that in a case like that of a scarcity of one raw material, without an order being issued, without more than perhaps a handful of people knowing the cause, tens of thousands of people whose identity could not be ascertained by months of investigation, are made to use the material or its products more sparingly; i.e., they move in the right direction†. Hayek has pointed out the danger of tyranny that lies in a centrally planned economy resulting from the control of economic decision-making by the government. The functioning of any market depends largely on the nature of the information that the economic agents interacting in that economy possess. According to Hayek, there are mainly two types of information that are available to an economic agent. In this article, Hayek also marked a difference between two categories of information or awareness. One is scientific or technical information and the other is the information about individual’s capacities on the other. This paper tries to relate these ideas to the 21st-century growth in information about individuals and their wants, needs, capacities and the making of new markets such as eBay.... The functioning of any market depends largely on the nature of the information that the economic agents interacting in that economy possess. According to Hayek, there are mainly two types of information that are available to an economic agent (Hayek, 1945). On the one hand there is the scientific information and the technical information. This is basically the theoretical information regarding any activity, related to production or distribution the goods and services or related to the allocation of scares resources. And the other is related to the information that an individual possess regarding his capacities on the other individual(s). The first type of information is basically of theoretical type. In this information an individual acquires information necessary to the make economic decisions, such as production, distribution etc. The other type of information relates to the practical exposure of all the theoretical information those are available to the individuals. These are basi cally the useful and realistic information (Hayek, 1945, p. 3). Types of information: According to Hayek, all the theoretical information is related to the specific section of the society that are related to the generation and the development of those theories. These individuals are responsible for the invention and the study of those theories. Again in other sense of the explanation of this information this kind of information is not the aggregate of all available information. Rather this is the information of specific circumstances of specific time and place. In this respect it is said that every individual in any economy possess some unique information which give him some kind of advantage